Issue Focus- (ISSN 3022-7992, EISSN 3022-800X)

작성자 admin 시간 2021-12-24 15:59:59



Poverty not only exists among older persons, but is often chronic and tends to be more prevalent and severe with age. According to the OECD (2017), the poverty rate among younger older adults (aged 66-75) was 10.7%, while the oldest old (aged 75 and over) had a higher poverty rate of 13.9%.



In terms of the right to live a decent life, sufficient income for an adequate standard of living is critical. However, many older persons are exposed to poverty for various reasons such as poverty experienced during the course of their lives, limited income-generating opportunities, and the negative impact of the COVID-19 pendemic. Yet, a comprehensive and comparative understanding of old age poverty in ASEM countries is still deficient.



In this context, we have chosen “old age poverty and the rights of older persons” as the theme of the 2021 Fall/Winter ISSUE of Issue Focus. This ISSUE aims to provide a perspective on old age poverty by reviewing the available evidence in Korea, Philippines, the U.K. and Vietnam.



For more information, please find the attached report.